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Who shall survive? – 8th International Psychodrama Congress and the 2nd IAGP Psychodrama Section International Conference

Who shall survive? – 8th International Psychodrama Congress and the 2nd IAGP Psychodrama Section International Conference

von 4. September 2019, 0:00 Uhr
bis 8. September 2019, 0:00 Uhr

in Iseo

Noch -1697 Tage bis zur Veranstaltung

J.L. Moreno organized 7 International Psychodrama Congress. The 8th International Psychodrama Congress and the 2nd IAGP Psychodrama Section International Conference will be held in Iseo. Following the intention of the 4th Sociodrama International Conference organized in Iseo in 2013, the local organizing commitee will further develop the Morenian concepts of coresponsibility and co-creation of the world.

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